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Welcome to vegitalian food!

More and more people are reducing the amount of meat in their diet, or cutting it out completely. In Italy, this is not hard at all, since there is a vast range of traditional recipes which just happen to be vegetarian.

This is no accident: up until the twentieth century, mainly for economic reasons, many average Italians lived with little or no meat in their diet and many still do today. Ironically, this can make it difficult to find vegetarian food in Italian restaurants since traditionally Italians have eaten meat out rather than at home.

Starting tomorrow, I am going to be publishing a series of traditional Italian recipes suitable for vegetarians or, as you might call it, vegitalian food. To whet your appetite, here is a selection of recipes already on the blog, which fall into the vegitalian category.

Buon appetito and a domani!

Fusilli al pesto di pistacchi (pasta with a pistacchio sauce)

Sugo di noci (walnut sauce)

Finocchio gratinato (oven roasted fennel)

Melanzane a funghetto (aubergine/eggplant salad)

Crispeddi di riso (sweet rice fritters)

4 thoughts on “Welcome to vegitalian food!”

  1. Glad to see you back, Luca! I did try your walnut sauce and it was marvelous, but I only have pecans now so I may go back and rejig it a bit with those. Hope you are staying well and safe, my friend.

  2. Apropos of absolutely niente, I know a woman whose cogname is Marchioro. So, she has the singular form of your name! 🙂

    1. Luca Marchiori

      Hehe! There is a famous Venetian sculptor called Giovanni Marchiori. His father was called Marchioro for a first name.

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